Part of the dissertation Pitch of Voiced Speech in the Short-Time Fourier Transform: Algorithms, Ground Truths, and Evaluation Methods.
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© 2020, Bastian Bechtold, Jade Hochschule & Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany.

A Replication Dataset for Fundamental Frequency Estimation

Estimating the fundamental frequency of speech remains an active area of research, with varied applications in speech recognition, speaker identification, and speech compression. A vast number of algorithms for estimatimating this quantity have been proposed over the years, and a number of speech and noise corpora have been developed for evaluating their performance. The present dataset contains estimated fundamental frequency tracks of 25 algorithms, six speech corpora, two noise corpora, at nine signal-to-noise ratios between -20 and 20 dB SNR, as well as an additional evaluation of synthetic harmonic tone complexes in white noise.

The dataset also contains pre-calculated performance measures both novel and traditional, in reference to each speech corpus' ground truth, the algorithms' own clean-speech estimate, and our own consensus truth. It can thus serve as the basis for a comparison study, or to replicate existing studies from a larger dataset, or as a reference for developing new fundamental frequency estimation algorithms. All source code and data is available to download, and entirely reproducible, albeit requiring about one year of processor-time.

The Replication Dataset and the scripts necessary for calculating is available on Zenodo:

The source code necessary for calculating the Replication Dataset is available on Github:

The dataset contains fundamental frequency estimates for all speech recordings in the following corpora:

Additionally, it contains fundamental frequency estimates for a number of the above speech recordings mixed with noises from the following corpora, as well as synthetic tone complexes in white noise:

Fundamental frequency estimates are calculated for the following fundamental frequency estimation algorithms:

For all combinations of speech and noise, the following performance measures are calculated:

Example Results:

The following graphs show a few key metrics that can be extracted from the Replication Dataset. The graphs displayed here are in no way complete, but should highlight the fidelity of data available in the dataset. Please refer to the dissertation itself for a more in-depth evaluation of algorithms, databases, and evaluation methods.

Gross Pitch Errors and Octave Errors

The first graph gives an overview of the accuracy of fundamental frequency estimation algorithms in terms of gross pitch errors. The shaded areas are the mean gross pitch errors of each algorithm, across all databases, and graphed agains the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The upwards triangles show high octave errors, downwards triangles show low octave errors.

The graph highlights how the accuracy of all algorithms deteriorates around 0 dB SNR. At positive SNRs, most algorithms can estimate the fundamental frequency of speech with few errors. At negative SNRs, errors rise very steeply. In general, error rates above 10-20% are often considered useless.

Interestingly, it is the area around 0 dB SNR that shows the highest occurrence of octave errors. Octave errors are caused by the algorithm mistaking a higher or lower harmonic of the speech sound for the fundamental. Thus, they occur most frequently where the general harmonic pattern is still visible, but the details are partly obscured. This type of detailed analysis is only possible due to the high fidelity of the Replication Dataset.

Voicing Detection Errors

The second graph show voicing detection errors. The solid line is the same gross pitch error against SNR as before. This time, pluses show voicing false positives, the percentage of frames where the algorithm thought the speech to be voiced, but it was unvoiced in reality. Crosses show false positives, which were estimated unvoiced, but were voiced. Finally, circles show the percentage of signals without any estimates. If an algorithm does not have a voicing detection, n circles, pluses, or crosses are shown.

These evaluations are important as they are not captured by the ubiquitous gross pitch error metric. The gross pitch error only evaluates true positives, where both the algorithm and the ground truth are voiced. In reality, however, voicing detection errors are incorrect pitch estimations, just like gross pitch errors. This highlights how the gross pitch error measure can mislead.

Furthermore, there exists a tradeoff between voicing detection errors and gross pitch errors. The more frames are considered voiced, the more likely are gross pitch errors. It is thus very tempting to simply mask uncertain estimates as unvoiced. As the graph shows, however, these voicing detection errors are highly problematic for many algorithms, but are often not reported in algorithm evaluations. The Replication Dataset contains a number of new performance measures to investigate these phenomena in unprecedented detail.

Differences Between Speech Corpora

The third example graph shows the difference between various speech corpora commonly used for evaluating fundamental frequency estimation algorithms. Each line is the difference between one corpus' accuracy and the mean accuracy. If a line is positive, errors for this corpus are greater than the average, if the line is positive, errors are lower. CMU-ARCTIC is marked with upwards triangles, FDA with downwards, KEELE with leftwards, MOCHA-TIMIT with rightwards triangles, PTDB-TUG with stars, and TIMIT with diamonds.

For some algorithms, the lines gather around the zero line, which means the algorithm's accuracy is the same in all corpora. For others, however, single corpora fare much better or worse than others. If a single corpus has much lower error rates than all other corpora, it is likely that the algorithm was trained on that particular corpus. If one corpus shows much higher error rates, it might contain a few particular voices that an algorithm was not optimized for.

Strikingly, the differences shown in this graph are very large. In fact, they often exceed ten or twenty percent gross pitch errors, which is far beyond the margin of improvement usually claimed for new algorithms. Thus, this graph shows a type of comparison that is only possible with as large a dataset as the Replication Dataset, which shows highly significant differences that a smaller dataset could not show.


The full dissertation contains even more detailed analyses of these algorithms, corpora, and evaluation measures, including theoretical accuracy limits, fine pitch errors, estimation biases, voicing detection tradeoffs, ground truth comparisons, noise and noise corpus comparisons, significance tests of differences between algorithms, and fundamental frequency biases and dependencies.

It shows a number of differences in unprecedented detail, some differences for the very first time, only possible due to the vast data available in the Replication Dataset.


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